Intravenous Sedation
Intravenous Sedation is used for all nervous patients, this goes into your blood supply via a small tube inserted in a vein. This is done in the back of the hand or the arm. Once the tube is in place the needle will be removed and the sedative passed into your vein.
Benefits of Intravenous Sedation?
The main benefit is that it prevents patients from feeling nervous during dental treatment. It is the best option for patients who suffer from dental anxiety or dental phobia and can also benefit patients who have a sensitive gag reflex. Patients remain conscious throughout the procedure and they will be able to hear and communicate with their dentist.
Is the process safe?
This is a very safe procedure providing that it is administered by a trained anaesthetist. Many patients find that it is a great source of comfort when they are preparing to have treatment because it reduces anxiety and makes dental visits less stressful. If you have underlying health problems, an allergy or you are pregnant, you may be advised against having this form of sedation. We will determine if you are suitable during your consultation.
What drugs are used?
We use sedative drugs branded as short-acting benzodiazepines including Midazolam for Intravenous Sedation. These drugs have the effects of reducing anxiety, inducing tiredness and causing partial or complete loss of memory.
What happens afterwards?
Most patients feel fine after treatment but will not be discharged until you can walk unaided and are feeling normal again. You must have a responsible adult with you to escort you home and remain with you for the next 24 hours. You must not operate any machinery, cooker or power tools. No driving for at least 24 hours.
If you experience nausea have a lie down and rest. If you still experience side-effects after 24 hours contact us.